That's some very interesting info on the PS2 PAL version of the game.
I have no exposure to PAL console releases of CvS2 EO so its possible the sound glitch on xbox may have been fixed by the publisher (or at their request) out there, or you are running the game on a console that has the patch (which automatically occured if one ever played the game with their console Connected to XBLA). Capcom Vs SNK 2 EO is now available on two home consoles and theres still no sign of a suitable control pad between them, although, admittedly, this Xbox version has a slight advantage over the GameCube and its superbly-designed-yet-utterly-redundant-where-2D-beat-em-ups-are-concerned controller. You mashing on that Sakura "CC"? that's why Achieve over 1500 GPS by the end of the game.

If you play with a Capcom groove you will get Ultimate Rugal, and if you play with a SNK groove you will get Shin Akuma. The conditions of the Bosses to appear are to fulfill two out of the following three conditions.

The PS2 version of CVS2 was the worst in Europe as it only ran at 50hz with boarders while the Gamecube and Xbox versions both ran at PAL 60hz fullscreen. Hidden Bosses can be used once they have been defeated. I bought an old xbox original stick the other day, it had a dead button which I fixed and then killed again.ĭunno if it is a region thing but I've owned both xbox and Gamecube versions of CVS2 and they were okay over here, no glitches from what I've seen, no audio issues and the EO can just be ignored. The game offers a remarkable assortment of fighters, fighting styles. Fans mourned when SNK went out of business a couple years ago, but Capcom has resurrected its enemies for yet another battle in Capcom vs. In any case, that's the difference between the 2 versions, and the Xbox version has the option of online play, which is both awesome and frustrating at the same time.GigaPepsiMan wrote:I've been playing some CVS2 on the xbox. For much of the 90 s the 2-D realm consisted of a battle between Capcom s stars and the 2-D fighters from rival SNK. However, it is in essence an updated version of the game, and I don't understand why people can't see that. Some fighting game "purists" are bitching about the EO version since the RC glitch was removed and Super Cancels were added, thus it is not identical to the arcade version. Capcom added this because P groove was vastly underpowered, and needed some other advantage to keep up with the other grooves. Super canels allow you to interrupt a special move with a super move, comboing the 2 together. The only major tweak was the addition of Super Cancels to P groove. Now, in the EO versions, RC's were taken out, and a few very minor tweaks were made to the gameplay for the sake of balance. It's a glitch, capcom did not intentionally put in the game. Now, the DC and PS2 versions have some glitches that are in the arcade version, the biggest of which is roll canceling (RC) where when you come out of a roll, you still retain the invincibility of the roll for a limited time. The DC and PS2 versions are the original version, and the Xbox and GC versions are the EO versions.ĮO stands for "easy operation", where when you pick it, the right analog stick can be used to perform special moves and super moves instantly (depending on what direction you push it), but you lose the ability to use basic attacks, and it's widely regarded as a complete joke. There really isn't much difference between the 2 versions.