In this play, a man uses two identities: one as a serious person, Jack (his actual name), which he uses for Cesily, his ward, and as a rogue named Ernest for his beloved woman, Gwendolyn. Oscar Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being Earnest, is a very popular example of Victorian farce. Romantic Comedy: A form of comedy, these dramas, and plays are meant to present light-hearted moments of life.Tragicomedy: This type of drama presents tragedy and comedy together to make the people feel relieved after watching tragic events.Tragedy: This is the oldest form of drama that means to present tragic emotions on the stage.Theatre of Cruelty: These dramas and plays are meant to change present sufferings and pains through characters, themes, and structures.Absurd Play: These plays and dramas are meant to present the irrationality of life through changing dramatic structures and conventions.Street Theater: These dramas and plays are meant to entertain the public in the streets through readymade scenes and themes.Sketch: These short dramas and plays are meant to create comic situations through short sketches.

Costume Drama: These plays or dramas are meant to present dresses of the time.Most of the characters presented in such plays were masters, lovers, and servants. It was also called a comedy of profession. Commedia Dell’artea: Italian plays that are meant to create characters to place them in improvised situations.Comedy of Manners: Plays or dramas that are meant to make fun of the manners and ways of a social group to make fun of them for correction.Comedy: Plays or dramas that are meant to create laughter among the readers or the audiences.There are several types of dramas some of the most common forms are given below.