
Drama book
Drama book

In this play, a man uses two identities: one as a serious person, Jack (his actual name), which he uses for Cesily, his ward, and as a rogue named Ernest for his beloved woman, Gwendolyn. Oscar Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being Earnest, is a very popular example of Victorian farce. Romantic Comedy: A form of comedy, these dramas, and plays are meant to present light-hearted moments of life.Tragicomedy: This type of drama presents tragedy and comedy together to make the people feel relieved after watching tragic events.Tragedy: This is the oldest form of drama that means to present tragic emotions on the stage.Theatre of Cruelty: These dramas and plays are meant to change present sufferings and pains through characters, themes, and structures.Absurd Play: These plays and dramas are meant to present the irrationality of life through changing dramatic structures and conventions.Street Theater: These dramas and plays are meant to entertain the public in the streets through readymade scenes and themes.Sketch: These short dramas and plays are meant to create comic situations through short sketches.


  • Soap Operate: These plays or dramas present a domestic thematic strand full of sentimentalism.
  • Situation Comedy or Sitcom: These plays or dramas present various characters in their daily activities.
  • Shadow Play: These dramas and plays used to present shadows instead of characters on the stage.
  • Mastery Play: These dramas were written during the Middle Ages to depict the life of Christ.
  • Morality Plays: These dramas and plays were meant to highlight moral qualities during the 15 th and 16 th centuries of Europe.
  • Melodrama: These dramas and plays are known for exaggeration of characters, events, and situations for sensationalism.
  • Kathakali: These short plays with the music of Indian origin are known for colorful costumes and face masks.
  • Kabuki: These plays and dramas are of Japanese style comprising dance, stylized performance, and glamorous costumes.
  • Jacobean Drama: These plays and dramas were written during the period of James I.
  • Grand Guignol: These plays or dramas are meant to show brutality, horror, and violence during the 19 th century.
  • drama book

  • Farce: These plays or dramas present buffoons, horseplay for crude characterization.
  • drama book

    Costume Drama: These plays or dramas are meant to present dresses of the time.Most of the characters presented in such plays were masters, lovers, and servants. It was also called a comedy of profession. Commedia Dell’artea: Italian plays that are meant to create characters to place them in improvised situations.Comedy of Manners: Plays or dramas that are meant to make fun of the manners and ways of a social group to make fun of them for correction.Comedy: Plays or dramas that are meant to create laughter among the readers or the audiences.There are several types of dramas some of the most common forms are given below.

    Drama book