You can get inside this one only at night and only after you’ve defeated the special mini-boss infected. This is inside a military metal container in GRE Anomaly C-A-05. This one hodls an inhibitor container as well. These are special little points of interest holding valuables. Otherwise it may not even be there and you’ll get an inhibitor somewhere your choices took you. You will visit here with Alberto during the main story mission Revolution, but only if you fully side with the survivors. This inhibitor is inside the small building on the roof.
If you are impatient just use the maps bellow to pickup your upgrade items. Some of them can be found as you do the main story and side quests. We’ll provide explanation for some of these. Bellow you will find maps with clearly marked inhibitor locations for each zone. It consists of four zones and each of them has several inhibitors for you to pick up. The first third of Dying Light: Stay Human takes place in Old Villedor. Some show up depending on the choices you made in the story.ĭying Light 2 Inhibitor Location Trinity – Old Villedor Some are hidden inside Military Airdrop POIs. There is always one inhibitor inside every metro station, but only after you’ve unlocked that metro station. These are best visited at night and reward you with multiple inhibitors. You will find several inside GRE anomalies and GRE quarantine buildings. Important thing to note is that, beside the open world, inhibitors in Dying Light 2 can be found in special places as well. To help you find them all bellow you’ll find a map of all inhibitor locations in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. That is why this is one of the most important items in the game. Also, once you get high enough stamina levels you’ll then be able to unlock higher level windmills and radio towers. Unlocking higher levels also gives access to more and better skills. This adds 20 points to the stat you chose. You need three inhibitors to upgrade either your stamina or your health by one level.

There are 126 inhibitors in Dying Light 2: Stay Human, but there often several are found at the same location. Inhibitors in Dying Light 2 are special items that help upgrade your character’s stamina and health and they are located all over the game’s map.